Brass - Round Bar: CuZn40Al2

22 mm
Brass - Round Bar

Brass - Round Bar: CuZn40Al2

22 mm
22 mm
101 mm
≈ 3.08 kg/m
In Stock: 1 piece
Other grades for ISO CuZn40Al2
EN CW713R 2.0550
Chemical composition
Cu Pb Si Al Mn Zn
57.00–59.00 0.20–0.80 0.30–1.30 1.30–2.30 1.50–3.00 rest
Product Information

This alloy is a grade of high-ductility brass. By adding manganese, aluminum, lead and silicon the alloy achieves comparable hardness to aluminum bronze, but is much easier to machine. It is used for heavy duty bearings, sliding and contact plates, valves, pistons, etc. CuZn37Mn3Al2PbSi is also known as SoMs58Al2. The synonym is CuZn37Mn3Al2PbSi.